
The Deacons serve by assisting the pastoral staff in the spiritual and physical care of the Shiloh Church congregation and our local community. They visit those who are ill, home-bound, and living in nursing homes, supporting them with empathic listening, flower delivery, and serving Communion. Members of the committee send cards and call members who are ill or need spiritual and emotional support. The Deacons lead the development and administration of Shiloh Church’s Health Ministries. Current Health Ministry offerings include the following:
Wellness screenings and Ask-a-Doc services - led by a board-certified Family Medicine physician, the Health Ministry Team provides United States Preventative Service Task Force-recommended screenings and personalized education on wellness and medical issues around Sunday worship times on the second Sunday of the month and in conjunction with the Front Porch Ministry and Farmers’ Market, and Shiloh Food Pantry on the fourth Saturday of the month.
Grief Recovery Institute ® Programs - led by a Grief Recovery Method Specialist™, our programs serve adults who are grieving from any kind of loss or wish to help children suffering from loss. For more information, go to https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/grms/lisa-salata.

Stewardship and Finance Committee
The Stewardship and Finance Committee supports and encourages the Congregation to practice good stewardship in all of its many facets. We oversee the budgeting for and spending of all financial contributions and periodically report the status of the church’s financial health and needs to the Congregation. We work closely with the Business Manager, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.

Growth Committee
The Growth Committee endeavors to attract new members, keep in touch with present ones, and reach out to those we have not seen in a while. We enjoy greeting members and visitors each Sunday during and after church. We develop and promote community involvement ideas such as the Black History Celebration, Community Celebration, Getting to know you events, Trunk of Treats, Ice Cream Social and Car Show. We also publicize all these events and other church events as part of our function. Come grow with us!

Property Committee
The Property Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the church building, grounds and furnishings. We have regular work days to touch up and repair the building and grounds.

Worship Committee
The Worship Committee is responsible for all elements of Worship activities under the guidance and direction of the Pastoral Staff. We work to co-ordinate all elements of the worship services including media, acolytes, ushers, vocal or instrumental music, and sound system. We are also responsible for the planning of special and/or seasonal worship events and celebrations including Communion. Providing for care and maintenance of musical instruments, media and sound equipment, altar symbols, communion and baptismal equipment, vestments also falls under the Worship Committee.