Shiloh's Front Porch Ministry
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 4:3-19 (NIV)
Our ministry goal is to provide a church/faith presence while the large market is taking place in the church parking lot.
The brainchild of SONKA licensed minister and Shiloh member Jim Eller in 2008, the ministry seeks to provide warmth and welcome to community residents who may otherwise never meet any church members. Neighborly presence is the purpose. We are there every week with smiling faces.
Check with us weekly for updates, and to make suggestions, as this is a ministry emerging into something new.
Help Us Help You!
We will be in the Gazebo at Shiloh's Farmers Market every Saturday from 9 – 2, May 14 – October 8 for conversations with you and to accept the following recyclable items:
Empty prescription containers, labels and sticky bits removed
Pop can tabs
Old American flags (for proper disposal)
In addition:
We will have bottled water available for your consumption.
We will also be accepting donations of non-perishable food items for our food pantry.